a message from the public auditor
I am pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Office of the Public Auditor for the State of Yap. I am privileged to serve as Yap’s Public Auditor and it is truly an honor to be entrusted with such an important role in ensuring the efficient administration and management of public funds for the people of Yap. Information on this site is designed to assist the people of Yap and other interested parties in enhancing their understanding of the knowledge of the Public Auditor’s office.
The Office of the Public Auditor serves as the audit and investigative arm of the Government and the people of the State of Yap. Acting as an extension of the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the people of Yap, our mission is achieved through conducting professional, timely, and independent audits, investigations, and reviews. Our goal is to enhance public trust in our government.
It is everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, and abuse. Your involvement plays a vital role in this office achieving its mission. This site provides links to both a fraud hotline and a form where you can contact us if you have a complaint, or just seek further information. Together, I am confident we can continue to make certain that the government utilizes resources wisely and ensure the public interest is served.
Yap State Public Auditor
who we are?
The Office of the Public Auditor (OPA) has been at the forefront of the state's efforts to fight government waste, fraud and abuse. Our vision is to be an agent of positive change and one that:
- Strives for continuous improvement and encourages fiscal integrity in program delivery and effectiveness.
- Is a continually learning and improving organization.
- Appreciates, challenges, respects, and honors its personnel
what we do?
We carry out our mission using a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach. The goal is to forge a strong alliance with management in identifying ways to enhance governmental processes and in prosecuting program abuses.
We strive to make a difference in the state’s performance and accountability and endeavor to fulfill our mission by providing management with tools to improve operations.